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the LANCRE project

a firmware for c't magazine's MCU-in-LAN project

written by Christian Vogelgsang

under the GNU Public Licencse V2


1. Introduction

The MCU-in-LAN project of the german c't magazine presents a small two circuit board HW system that provides a LAN connection, a serial COM port (RS232) and a small microcontroller (Atmel AVR mega8535 MCU). The main purpose of the LAN-COM board is to provide a gateway for legacy serial hardware and allow connection and control via Ethernet. Additionally, the MCU allows to perform processing of sensor data (e.g. temperature measurement), can cope with user input (4 keys) and has output facilities (4 LEDs and an optional LCD). The MCU can send and receive serial data either to/from the COM or the LAN port. If the COM and LAN port are connected directly, the MCU can sniff on one direction and copy the data that is transferred.

The LANCRE frimware presented here is the program code for the MCU ROM. The firmware assumes that you have connected a LCD (a 16x2 in my case) and optionally one or two sensors connected to the analog amplifiers accessed by the ADCs of the MCU. The firmware allows to control the serial connection type (COM to LAN, COM to MCU, LAN to MCU) and its parameters (e.g. baud rate) with the key panel. Furthermore, it sniffs on the COM to LAN connection for a special key word ("lc" + EOL as default). If this word occurs then the MCU automatically connects the sniffed source (either LAN or COM) and presents a command prompt. On the command prompt, the user can send control commands to the MCU that provide access to most low level hardware features of the MCU board (e.g. read/write ports), the LAN interface (set control pins) or the peripherals (read out ADC sensors and map them linearly).

2. Features

3. Download

3.1 Files

3.2 Requirments

If you want to compile the firmware yourself, you will need the following tools:

3.3 Burning the ROM

Use your favorite ISP-programmer to transfer the provided ROM image in Intel HEX format to your device. I use the AVRdude ISP programmer on linux. The provided Makefile in the source package has a "prog" rule to compile and transfer the firmware.

4. User's Manual

4.1 Definitions

4.1.1 Connection source and mode

The device provides three serial communications ports: the LAN (handled via the XPort device), the COM (RS232 connector on board) and the MCU (AVR mega8535). Two of these ports are always connected and the third one can sniff what one of them is sending. The port that is connected and will be sniffed is called the Source. Either LAN or COM can be the source, because sniffing is currently only used by the MCU.

Three connection modes are supported by the firmware: the sniff mode connects the LAN and the COM port and the MCU sniffs what the source (either COM or LAN) is sending. On receiption of a special key word ("lc" + EOL) the device changes to link mode. Then the MCU directly connects to the source and starts to communicate directly with this port. The MCU emits a command prompt and is ready to execute user commands. Finally, the pass-through mode is similar to the sniff mode, as it connects the COM and LAN port, but it does not sniff for the key word and is thus a totally transparent LAN-COM gateway.

4.2 Device Usage

The device can be controlled with the 4 keys located on the front side. Depending on the connection mode the device is currently in, the keys have different meanings. The associated LED panel is used to represent status information in the current mode. More information is available on a connected LCD. There state information is directly displayed.

Here is a list of the key panel commands:

Mode Red Key Orange Key Yellow Key Green Key
Sniff/Pass-Through Enable Menu Toggle Source: LAN or COM Toggle Sniff/Pass-Through Enable Link Mode
Link Command 0 Command 1 Command 2 Leave Link Mode
Menu Next Menu Entry Decrease current value Increase current value Leave Menu

Depending on the current mode, the LED display is different:

Mode Red LED Orange LED Yellow LED Green LED
Sniff/Pass-Through Source is COM Source is LAN

On: Sniff mode

Off: Pass-Through

Off: No Link
Link OFF OFF OFF On: Link Mode
Menu LEDs display the current menu entries' value

The LCD Display uses two rows:

4.3 Menu

The device menu displayed on the LCD allows to setup various parameters. Press the red key while the device is in sniff/pass-through mode. You can leave the menu by pressing the green key. The current menu entry is then displayed in the second row of the LCD and denoted with a '@'. By pressing the red key while in menu mode you can select the next menu entry. The orange and yellow key are used to alter the currently selected menu item. The yellow key increases the selected value and the orange key decreases it.

A list of available menu entries:

4.4 Command List

In link mode, the following commands are accepted by the MCU. A command is a sequence of characters optionally followed by one or more parameters. Please note the case of the characters and that there are no spaces allowed between the characters and values. All value parameters are given as HEX numbers and require a fixed number of digits:

Some commands are organized into groups where the first character selects the group and the following characters select a sub-command in the group.

Key Command


Leave link mode and finish command mode (similar to pressing the green key in link mode)
  Reset device and reinitialize it
Print the current version of LANCRE
b<n> Beep <n> times
Configuration command group (see below)
Control AVR Ports (see below)
Read ADC value of ADC<n>. n=0,1 are connected to the sensor inputs of the board
1 (orange key)
ADC summary. Show ADC values of ADC0 and ADC1
measure ADC value and map result (see below)
M map ADC value summary. Show mapped ADC0 and ADC1 values
measure ADC value, map result and display in decimal
0 (red key)
map ADC value summary in decimal
Control Pins at XPort (see below)
2 (yellow key)
Control Pin summary. Show XPort CP direction and value for CP1, CP2 and CP3

4.5 Configuration Commands 'c'

Command Example Description


cS Write all settings to EEPROM
cL cL Load all settings from EEPROM
cs<n> cs0 Set source port: 0=COM 1=LAN
cl<n> cl1 Start device with link mode enabled=1 or disabled=0
ci<n> ci0 Set sniff mode(1) or pass-through (0) mode
ce<n> ce0 Set echo mode: 0=no echo, 1=echo
cr<n> cr2 Set rx EOL: 0=LF, 1=CR, 2=CR+LF
ct<n> ct1 Set tx EOL: 0=LF, 1=CR, 2=CR+LF
cb<n> cb

Set Baud Rate
0: 9600, 1: 19200, 2: 38400, 3: 57600, 4: 115200

ck<string> ckhello Set a new key word for sniffing. All characters after the ck command are used. A rx EOL is always the end of the sniff key.
cmr<n><what> cmr0a Read ADC mapping ranges:
<what> is a=ADC range, m=mapped range
<n> is ADC port: 0,1
cmw<n><what><word1>,<word2> cmw0a1234,5678 Write ADC mapping range:
<what> is a=ADC range, m=mapped range
<n> is ADC port: 0,1
cmr<what> cmrl Read Sample point for calibration:
<what> is l=lower u=upper
cmw<what><word1>,<word2> cmwl1234,5678 Set Sample point for calibration:
<what> is l=lower u=upper
<word1> is ADC value
<word2> is mapped value
cmc<n> cmc0 Perform calibration and setup the ADC mapping ranges with the two given sample points (lower and upper)
<n> is ADC port: 0,1

You can use all configuration commands without parameters to see the current values.
Configuration values that alter the link state or the connection mode are enabled after leaving the command mode.

4.6 AVR Port Commands 'p'

Read 8 bit port:
<P> is a,b,c or d
Write a byte <bb> to port <P>
Read data direction register of port <P>
Set data direction register of port (BIT: 1=output, 0=input)

4.7 XPort Control Pin Commmands 'g'

Read control pin value of XPort CP<p> 1, 2, or 3
Set a control pin to <n>: 0 or 1
Read data direction of control pin (is input=0 or output=1)
Set data direction of control pin (input=0, output=1)

5. Sensor Calibration and Usage

The lancre firmware provides very generic tools for analog sensor read out and mapping that might be confusing at first look. This section will explain the ideas of this approach in more detail by providing an example for usage of lancre as a thermometer. I assume that a thermo measurement resistor is connected to ADC port 0 of the MCU board circuit. The described approach works for port 1 similarly and also for other sensor types that have a linear ADC to real value mapping.

In the calibration process you measure two pairs of value that establish a correspondence between the ADC digital value and the actual measurement. Each pair thus consists of (a,m) where a is the ADC value and m the mapped real value. In our example we want to calibrate a thermometer and thus use a real one to find the mapped real values. Since the lancre firmware only allows mapping to integer values you have to scale your real values. Here, we want to measure the temperature in centi-degrees Celcius.

Our first measurement is room temperature of 23 degrees or 230 centi-degrees. The corresponding ADC can be read out with the "a0" or "A" command or by pressing the orange key in link mode. My sensor read out is 0x175 (HEX) and now we can establish the first sample value pair. Since each value must be passed as HEX, 230 (centi degrees) results in 0xe6:
Make sure to write each value with 4 HEX digits.

Next, the upper sample value has to be provided. Here we measure a higher temperature. The higher the second value, the better the calibration will work. I chose to pick the second value by using the thermometer as a clinical thermometer. I measured a value of 0x18a for 37 degrees or 370 centi degrees. Again, conversion to HEX (370-> 0x172) allows to set the upper sample point:
The two sample points are now specified and we can now launch the calibration process (for sensor at port 0) with:
The result of the calibration can be verified by having a look at the ranges for ADC and mapped values:
=0022 03FF
=0000 11D3
The values mean that the ADC measure range of [0x22,0x3ff] is mapped to the centi-temperature range of [0,0x11d3] or decimal [0,4563] (a maximum temperature of 456,3 degrees celsius. If you need negative values then you have to map the resulting values yourself and introduce an offset.

You can repeat the calibration by adjusting the lower and upper sample values and re-executing the calibration command cmc. Finally, you can store the found paramters to EEPROM:
Now the sensor is calibrated and you can access its values in mapped format. Use "m0" to measure a HEX value or "d0" to see the decimal value. For quick access the decimal value is also accessed by pressing the read key in link mode.

6. Have Fun!

Enjoy this project :) If you have questions, remarks or even ideas or patches for new commands or extensions then don't hesitate to drop me a mail. You can reach me as chris at my domain